Dangerously thinBasic
Some time ago, we discovered a novel payload delivery method in malicious documents. The focus of this article is to explore this technique via samples of the document. The treat sequencing follows the chain of a malicious spreadsheet that downloads an archive containing thinBasic binaries and a malicious thinBasic script.

File Type | Microsoft Excel document |
SHA256 | 22d559b5eb97cee9a8d4aadc144091fe4a05a7ca5a8286b31a38c7f657942396 |
At the time, the file had a relatively low detection rate across AV vendors on VirusTotal.

The volume of samples submitted by VirusTotal users along with consistently low detections indicates a new wave of maldocs being distributed.

To download the payload, the macro connects to a remote server (hxxp:// This address within the sample is shown in the graphic above. After the payload is retrieved, it is executed by the same original macro.
File Type | Zip archive |
SHA256 | 28280df288a4d8b72c51755f6ffb44418145a8f70252efb272772e6bbd34a72d |
The retrieved archive contains an interpreter for the thinBasic scripting language and a malicious script for downloading and running the next stage payload.

The image below displays and highlights the suspicious contents of the thinBasic script.

The script generates a unique URL address and downloads it from the server, following this observed pattern:
{ URL address / Unique identifier for the downloader file/ specific word from the script / 9 digit randomly generated value }
What follows are examples of generated addresses:
Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain the final payload of this campaign. However, the vector of infection and the unusual way of loading the payload, present interesting insights on future distributions. Fetching a payload through this scripting language (thinBasic) is an obscure delivery method not commonly seen in maldoc driven campaigns.
Samples on InQuest Labs.