The state of the war against Ukraine has been on everyone's mind for several weeks now, InQuest Labs has been tracking the activity on the cyber-front with a specific focus on the moves made by APTs following the invasion. While the rest of the world is seeing and feeling the effects of this escalation with rising fuel prices and supply line constraints, Ukrainian and Russian citizens alike are clinging to their livelihoods due to the contempt of the Russian leadership.
As many within the research community have ties to or may be personally affected by this crisis, we felt it was imperative to share this intelligence information as a result of continuous communal efforts because it could very well save lives as well as contribute to a resolution. Our endeavor with this blog is to document and expose campaigns and their associated TTPs and IOCs as well as provide periodic updates as the situation continues to develop and threat actors pivot from one tactic or technique to another.
Read the Ukraine Cyber War Overview to learn more!